Acupuncture is a Chinese therapy that has been used since ancient time. The technique is to insert very fine sterilized disposable needle into specific points of muscle, very effective for the relief of acute or chronic ache and prevention or treatment of various diseases.
Weight lost solution: a combination of cupping and needling for the purpose of weight lost is our strong point. Nowadays, due to excessive diet of meat eating, a large number of people have issues of obesity, according to researches: body wastes (toxin) are stored in the fatty tissues, when the wastes accumulate and the size of fatty tissues increase as well. Our approach is to insert needles into the fatty tissues to stimulate the wastes then apply cupping to draw the wastes from the muscle tissues and resulting to reduce the size of fatty tissues.
We also treat hemorrhoid by applying needles on meridian channels of torso to completely erase the affected tissues.