
3075 7041 | 0458 493 111


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In the traditional Chinese medicine doctrine, the body circulates energy known as ‘qi’ through channels known as ‘meridians’, which connect with various bodily organs. When organ functions experience problems, we can re-adjust the body through acupuncture points. When the flow of qi cycle is obstructed, the body will produce pain and can critically affect the function of organs causing ailment and disease. The acupuncture practitioner begins by observing your tongue, face, eyes and palpating your pulse, to identify what’s the problem.

Through acupuncture or acupressure massage applied to the corresponding points, the obstructions in meridian channels are re-opened, the pain will be relieved and disappeared, the body functions returned to normal and recovered. Regular treatment by acupuncture and massage can improve immune system and maintain healthy life.